We know that sometimes a WILD night in is a total necessity. For those well deserved moments of relaxation with ice cream and face masks, we have some classic movie inspiration.
1. Aquamarine - If you haven't seen this yet, put it on your movie queue for a summer feel-good film. Movies like this mer-made for gal pal nights in!
2. Mamma Mia! - Start singing, we know you know the words! Mamma Mia is a classic film for some good vibes and good tunes.
3. You've Got Mail - A classic film with books and romance that twists and turns with all-star actors and actresses. You won't regret kicking up your feet and flipping this movie on.
4. A League of Their Own - Even if you aren't a baseball fan, you will absolutely be rooting for the amazing women on this team!
5. Miss Congeniality - We love a good undercover story, and who better for the job than Sandra Bullock. Watch officer turned pageant star for a little bit of everything!